Other Services
Minor Surgery
Available by appointment with Dr Ojo / Dr Abdi.
Asthma, Diabetes and Family Planning
No set hours, by appointment. Clinics are held and these services are provided by the doctors and nurses during surgery.
Flu Vaccinations
An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes, and residents of nursing and rest homes, and those over 65 years old. Please contact the reception staff in September for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment. If you are unable to attend the surgery, a home visit may be arranged.
Non NHS Services (for which a fee has to be paid)
The doctors are happy to issue private medical certificates, complete medical reports and carry out medical examinations for sports, insurance or driving licenses. Examinations are arranged by appointment outside surgery hours. Please contact the surgery for an appointment and ask reception for the charges for these services.