Patient Participation Group

Register with the PPG

We have an active PPG that meets regularly and the chairperson is Julie Cook. If you need to contact her, please email her directly on

Patient Participation Groups are being set up in GP surgeries across the UK to encourage patients to participate in the decisions taken on the services provided by your Practice. Here at South Norwood Hill Medical Centre we have a small group of patients who have formed an initial group and meet regularly, with practice staff, to discuss ideas concerning key elements of the running of their local medical services.

Currently the South Norwood Hill Medical Centre PPG has provided input into a patient survey, discussed the results and has suggested ways to improve outcomes.

Meetings take place at least every 2-3 months and patients can attend as many or as few meetings as they are able.

If you feel you would like to have your say on matters concerning your doctors’ surgery, then please fill in the form provided and send or bring it to the surgery. We will then contact you to advise you of the next meeting date. Due to space restrictions we may not be able to accommodate all the applicants but we will do our best to accommodate as many as possible. However, all patients, even those not able to attend the meetings, are welcome to submit comments/suggestions that they would like the group to consider.
